Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Careful syringe of Vitamin C !

White and smooth skin is still a coveted most women Indonesia. The different ways they did this for the sake of a dream, from the skin using the skin lightening treatment product up to an instant way of injecting vitamin C.

Injection of vitamin C is basically an injection to boost the immune system of the body. But because vitamin C is also required to have beautiful skin, later more clinics that offer injection of vitamin C megadosis with the lure of whiten the skin.

According to dr.Hanny Nilasari, SP. KK, from clinic Kencana RSCM Jakarta, injection or intravenous vitamin C can indeed lighten the skin. Origins of given in the proper dosage, regular, and under the supervision of a doctor, in effect injecting vitamin C is safe.

"But it must be remembered that the injection of vitamin C to brighten the skin, just return it to the original color. Not to whiten the skin, "said doctor who became Deputy Secretary of the Association of Skin Specialist and sex Indonesia.

Our normal skin color, according to Hanny is the skin color on the body parts that are rarely exposed to the Sun. For example in the chest or arm.

Hanny added, most people expect excessive injection vitamin c. they wanted his skin became white as the Korean movie star. "I usually don't want to meladeni patients who have excessive expectations like that," he said.

But noteworthy injection of vitamin C are not appropriate dosage can cause harmful side effects. Side effects may include irritation, burning, until an allergic reaction that can cause death.

For these patients suggests to Hanny wanted to do injection of vitamin C for the first health check to find out the function of the kidneys.

"A dose of vitamin C is the maximum. If excessive water soluble and will blocked kidney. When kidneys have maximum capacity. If too much can cause crystallization, the risk of kidney stones and kidney failure, "he said.

Hanny also reminds the importance of evaluation of health several times after injection of vitamin c. be careful in choosing beauty clinic with a competent doctor.

Do not let health should be sacrificed for the sake of the white dream.

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